Saturday, May 20, 2006


I have been, I think, understandably occupied this week.

I don't start my position at the new Company until next Wednesday. This was largely planned to allow me to be home with my darling wife and daughters as the latter became slightly more plural.

Our newest addition, Amanda Melody, came into our family at 11:38am (snicker - "1138") on Tuesday, May 16th. She was 6 lbs 11 oz, and 20 inches. She delivered one week before her due date, the same day for which we had an appointment to be induced, but it turns out my wife went into labor anyway.

Both are doing well adjusting to life back at home, and our other children are providing plentiful sisterly attention. Our cats are either completely non-reactive or delighted that a new source of soft chewy toys (pacifiers, bottle nipples, oral syringes) has been imported to ensure them steady supply - our dominant cat greeted her by literally pawing through her car seat in search of such.

Below are some delightful but low-quality images snapped shortly after the delivery, between 15 min. and 2 hours old. I think they excellently demonstrate why people choose to have children.

It'll probably be at least a week before the next post, owing to all of the above.

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